Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Veni Vidi Vici (aka TheRempel is Pretentious)

So Friday May 12th was my final day at work. It's a pretty crappy underpaid but also very slack job I had for two years and I am not at all sorry to be gone.

To celebrate, I got a new tattoo and totally shitfaced. Getting a needle jabbed into my skin by an angry biker is my idea of a great time.

I won't be posting much over the next few weeks as I am going to ease into my new life as a 'professional' poker player (how can anybody that is literally masturbating when they scoop a pot be referred to as a professional?). I haven't had any sort of vacation since I was fifteen years old and as such will be playing about 500 hands a day, or making $1000, whichever comes first. The remaining 22 hours a day will be spent sleeping, eating and shitting.

In two weeks, when I sit down and start the long grind, I will be attempting to play 10,000 hands of PLO, 3000 hands of NLHE and 500 hands of 7Stud a week, every week. That's about 35 hours 6 tabling PLO, 10 hours 4-tabling 6-Max NLHE and 6-8 hours learning to play stud. With my workrate at $400 PLO being about $120-$160/100 hands, I should be able to bring in anywhere from $5000-$15000 a week, depending on how much I dump playing HE, Stud and Party BJ. I can live extremely well on $1000 a week (no dependants, no woman, only minor addictions, free healthcare), so as soon as I take care of the last vestiges of my student debt from a bazillion years ago, I will most likely be increasing my bankroll fast enough on a weekly basis that I'll have a hefty br for the $2000 PLO games on stars and party by October. Other than the juicy $1000 games on UB, I don't see much point in playing the games between $400 and $2000 as they seem to rarely go and are generally rockfests.

One thing I don't understand though; both Party and Stars limit their cashouts to $10,000 per week. What do the big game players that win consistently do on those sites? Win $10K a week and then quit?

In other news, RIBBO = BUSTO


Anonymous Anonymous said...

10k per week is not true. I've cashed out over 50k within a single calendar week multiple times. This is through neteller, 5k-10k per transaction.

2:00 PM  
Blogger TheRempel said...

Is this on party or stars? Do you have to beg Sanjit the CSR to let you cash out more?

It's not really an issue for me right now, generally I'm cashing out between $3000 and $5000 per week from all three sites I play at, but in a few months it could be a problem.

As for that other shit, I am sure when I am in Seattle next month Lily will give me all the excercise and 'good eating' I need.

I paid the last of my debt today! WEEEEEEEEEEE

9:07 PM  

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