Thursday, June 22, 2006

Fuck Stupid Titles

Total BR = $1576.16 (Net: +$257.87)

No time for a real post today as I worked at my crappy new job until 10pm, got home (I have no car; I have to walk) at 11:00pm, played $1000 hands of $25 and $50 PLO and 100 hands of $50 NLHE and now I'm going to bed because I have to be back at the fucking shit factory at 9:00am.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Buy a bike!

4:48 AM  
Blogger Flick said...

Thank you for this blog.

I'm a fucked up gambling addict...but it IS good to know that there are people out there, like you, that are SERIOUSLY fucked up. It kinda boosts my self esteem.... just a little.

I really hope you make it and that you hit a big 6 figure score..although either way I suspect it's all going end the same way...broke...and walkin cause you aint gots no car.

I'm no hater, just callin it like it is.

Best of luck.

12:40 PM  
Blogger TheRempel said...

Yeah it's not like I'm not a consistent winner at all limits of PLO ranging from $25 to $400.

In two months I'm gonna have a couple dimes and you'll still be a broke degenerate but thanks for coming out!

5:13 PM  
Blogger Flick said...

Hey cracka you got me all wrong.

I think you're a great player. But 'consistant winner" and "winning player" seem to be two different things.

If you win 8 times out of 10....but then donk off everything staying up all night tilting you're a consistant winner...but your ass is still broke.

I WANT you to win. I want you to give me HOPE. Please prove me wrong...I hope you end up with a couple of dimes. But more than anything I hope you don't donk if off on bad sports bets and black jack....but you will.

Prove me wrong.

I'll be here...lurking..waiting to tell you "I told you so".

7:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep fighting and you will get there. Remember that a journey of 1,000 miles starts with a single step. Every step you take gets you closer.

10:44 AM  

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